- I hate that they're not supposed to have color. Black + white is so not my vibe.
- I don't think I can be described in bullet points, no matter how much I like to use them here.
- I genuinely cannot pick a font that is easy to read, fits with all of the information I have to put on one page, and also somehow helps me stand out.
- I always feel like I could explain any of the bullet points in so much more detail if you would just talk to me. I would gladly make a video resume if that was a legitimate thing.
- All of my recent volunteer work was done through my previous jobs, not a volunteer organization but I can't really put that into words for you.
- I haven't held a leadership role in any community positions because my career path causes me to move around keeping me from making two or three year commitments, but there's not a way to put that on there.
- What if this hiring manager only reads resumes in Times New Roman. Why why are there so many fonts? I really love fonts guys.
- I know my internship was four, almost five years ago, but don't they need to know I worked my way up? I started out unpaid?
- Do I give my major GPA or my cumulative GPA? because they're very different. If I give my major GPA because it's higher, will they think I'm hiding something? If I give my cumulative GPA will they think I'm an idiot since it's just barely over 3.0? Accounting was really hard at UGA. So were all of those classes I took when I was an engineering major.
- Are you sure I can't make my name like a logo? Can't I make it red? That would be so pretty.
- What if the hiring manager spells his name Casey + thinks I spelled mine wrong?
- Should I try to go by Kathleen? Is Kathleen more professional since it's my legal first name and Kasey is just what people call me because you cannot shorten it to Katie?
- Oh wait I can't go by Kathleen because of what happens when you google search Kathleen Decker you get all of the stuff about that one Nets intern..
- What if the hiring manager went to UF and throws my resume away because I was told to put my education first instead of last?
- Should I reword the description of this event to focus more on my skills under pressure rather than the size and moving parts of the event?
- Does it sound braggy if I say it had the largest turnout in the history of the event? Or does that just show I did a good job?
- OH NO. Did I spell "detail oriented" right? Did I even put that on there?
- Do all of these bullet points line up?
- Crap what happens if they google search and end up on my blog and they don't like that I said I didn't like to wear shoes in my "about me" section?
- Oh, what happens if they go to my blog and see this list I should probably stop making this list.
As I was making this list the other day, I was also working on my cover letter. Can we just talk about how cover letters are the worst? Just read my resume, if I meet the qualifications, call me. What do you stress about when making your resume updates? Any suggestions? Also, linking up for Listed Tuesday, because obviously.