Announcing Can Of Corn -- A Season-Long Baseball Linkup!!!

I realize that yesterday when I posted on the gram that I had a big announcement today that everyone was probably expecting big baseball job news. I'm really sorry that this is not that. I wish it was, but it is instead the return of a baseball season linkup! 

Okie dokie! I'm just the co-host, P.J. is the brains behind the operation, so here are the rules guidelines for Can of Corn!

  • Write about baseball using the theme (or not) on the dates provided (or thereabout) from March-October. Just make it baseball!
  • Use the button in your post somewhere (at the end or whatever) and link back to me + P.J. 
  • Go to one of our blogs the day this comes up (or thereafter) and linkup! The linkup will be "live" for a week after the date.
  • Visit other blogs, read, comment, and make some new baseball pals!
  • Have a cold beer (because let's be real, anything I'm involved in involves a cold beer...)
That’s it. I mean, you're all more than welcome to instagram ALL the things, maybe we can come up with a hashtag... but it's going to be so much fuuuuuuun you know you wanna join!

P.J. came up with most of the themes and the dates, I'm responsible for superstitions.... You can post yours whenever you are up for it, but remember to come back and link up so others can find your posts. We’ll leave the linkup live for about a week after each date, giving people the chance to catch up!

Can of Corn 2016 - Dates

  • March 17: Your favorite baseballism (saying, quote, jargon etc.)
  • April 14: Best baseball memory
  • May 12: Favorite ballpark (minor or major)
  • June 16: The best promotion you’ve ever been to
  • July 14: Dream baseball road trip
  • August 18: A current rule you'd change
  • September 15: Favorite player of all time
  • October 20: Favorite tradition/superstitions
Will you be joining us for the Can of Corn challenge? We hope to see you and your posts! You can also snag the button below, if you want! I can't wait for all the fun stories!!

Can of Corn Challenge

Why I Couldn't Be a Bachelor Contestant...

So while watching The Bachelor, we go back + forth on whether or not we could be contestants on this show. Tonight, while watching home towns, I realize that is why I couldn't be on this show. The home town visit. 
#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo
So as I'm watching Jojo's mom drink the champagne straight out of the bottle and I thought oh dear lord, my parents would probably have us all in the hot tub taking fireball shots. Could you imagine? it would be such a shit show. It would be hilarious, but it would also be a disaster. So obviously now I want to go to the hometown level of The Bachelor so things can get out of hand..... #iguessicouldfindahusband #itwouldgothesameway #iveneverintroducedthemtoaboy #thatsanotherconfession
Another reason I couldn't be on The Bachelor is my ability to get other people to drink more tequila than they can handle. Can you see that? Night one, Kasey gets all of the other houseguests doing tequila shots, it becomes apparent that I'm the only one who can handle the tequila, INSTANT BACHELOR VILLAIN. #onsecondthought #maybeIshouldbeacontestant #Iwouldhavemyownparodyaccount #ITWOULDBEAWESOME
I admit that I've started digging into what it would take to become a contestant on The Bachelor. Do I have to have a like, real audition? Can my job be "lifestyle blogger"? I know that's not as glamorous as "twin" but whatever. Oh man, how popular would my blog be when people found out it existed? Would I be instantly disqualified when they found this post? #Ihavealotofquestions #pickmeforbachelor21 #forealforeal
I have a passive aggressive confession here. The other day I tweeted about those people who follow you on instagram, then unfollow you the minute you follow them back. I have an even bigger issue with a select few I have noticed who follow me and unfollow me multiple times. To where I recognize you're instagram handle. What bugs me the most, as petty as this will sound, is that these people have more followers than me. #notcoolrobertfrost #oninstagramstraightflexin #pleasestop
please stop
I'm really super pumped the Braves signed Frenchy to a Minor League deal, I'm sure it's great for ticket sales, but also it means this will surely make a comeback. #onjeffears #thankmelater

That's all I have for today. What kind of Bachelor contestant would you be? Did you cry laughing at Frenchy? I can't deal. Like, that's one of the funniest things I've ever seen. God bless it. 

Kasey at The Bar: Old Smoky Moonshine

So a couple weeks ago I turned old, I refuse to accept I was old, so I did what any responsible adult would do, I went moonshine tasting obviously. 
So as soon as we walked up to this place, we knew it was going to be good. There were boys playing banjos. Mind you I even walked past a Margaritaville to get to this place. First of all, I'm totally on board with the sass talking bar tenders in overalls. Totally completes the experience. SECOND OF ALL all the moonshine shots. 
So you walk in this place, get sassed by the bartender, then immediately start taking little half shots of all the moonshine. You don't have to take them all, but it sure is more fun that way... I have to say, I did skip the egg nog one, because I know my limits, and egg nog/milk based booze doesn't sit well with me. My favorite was definitely the apple pie one, with a really close second being the cherries that were soaked in white lightning. YUM.
So, if you're ever up in Pigeon Forge, I would definitely recommend stopping in at Ole Smoky and trying all the moonshines. We couldn't settle on one to buy though, so instead we went outside and listened to banjo music while rocking in the rocking chairs. We could not have had better weather if we had drawn it up ourselves. Are you a moonshine fan? Are there other moonshine distilleries I should go to? 

Okay Google, Who Is "Love Yourself" About?

So, if you follow me on the twitter you know I provide a really cynical, and apparently hilarious, commentary of The Bachelor every week. Obviously while participating in Elle Talk's chat. This week I skipped it for the Grammy's (obviously it was spoiled so I probably won't even watch this week's episode, honestly)
#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo
I confess. I cried at all of the tributes. I could not get over how much of a badass Bonnie Raitt is, needed that sparkly black jacket she had on, and got the goosebumps the minute Gaga came on stage. ALSO. Demi Lovato killed it. #shealwayskillsit #sodoesgaga #badassbonnieraitt 
Also. Guys. GUYS. how awesome is T. Swift? I love her. I couldn't deal with just HOW pumped she was that Ed Sheeran won, over her, talk about the best kind of gal pal to have. I just dig how genuinely pumped she is for all of her friends. Also ALSO #suckitkanye #girlpower #shakeitoff #hatersgonnahate 
I had a little panic moment yesterday where I felt stuck then I decided I needed to do something, I went to move all of my furniture around, and then started designing my dream house via pinterest. So completely down the rabbit hole, see ya later. #sopinteresting #kaseysdreamhouse #wheniwinthelottery #orpayoffmystudentloans #whichevercomesfirst #probablythelottery 

With that being said, I'm off to pin ALL OF THE DIY HEADBOARDS! Because I think 27 means I've officially grown out of just a matress and box springs on a bed frame, or something. I just want it to look like I live here and not like it's my college dorm room or something. #grownupbutnot #istillwanttwinklelights #thatstrendyright #right?
What's new with you guys? Did you watch the Grammy's? Did anyone stay up for Pitbull's thing? WHY ARE THEY SO LONG?

Tardy for the Party

Okay. So we all know I'm behind on the bandwagons a lot. I always have a TiVo delay (side note, it's just DVR, but I always call it TiVo. does TiVo even exist independently anymore? does that make me sound even older than 27?) when I live tweet things, and we just got hooked on the whole Making a Murderer bandwagon. 
#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo
Guys. I have a real addiction to crime drama. From X Files to Criminal Minds to this new addiction to Making a Murderer. I can never resist an episode of Law + Order any kind. So some of this stuff in Making a Murderer is blowing my mind. Like, for example, I can't even guess my own password for like my email accounts, but I'm supposed to believe this girl's ex-boyfriend guessed her username AND password for her cell phone account? #seemsquestionabletome #tooeasy #WAYtooeasy
In other news. I have discovered something fantastic. I'm bad at snapchat (don't believe me? @kdsmoove is my username, I'm really bad at adding people though because I never recognize usernames. because why don't I get people's real names? #confessionwithinaconfession) BUT GUYS SPENCER PRATT IS ON SNAPCHAT. It's incredible. I can't look away. #speidi #cantstopwontstop #thankmelater
I confess I wasn't Olivia's biggest fan, I just don't understand why she always has her mouth open, I usually stand up for the one the girls gang up on because usually in those situations that's me. I know they edit it to have a "villain." I don't want to stand up for her though, first the mouth thing, then the constantly "stealing" Ben even though she's already got her rose, but the nail in the coffin for me was the whole "this sounds like an episode of Teen Mom" GIRLFRIEND. You did not think that was okay to say. #notcoolrobertfrost #bachelorchitchat #blamethebooze 
I've had the same Rocks Box in my car waiting to be sent back for literally three months. It's bad news guys, like I keep paying the subscription, but not wearing the jewelry, you know why? I don't know how to send outgoing mail from my house. we've lived here since May. #imreallypretty #socute #butseriously #SOS
So on that note, I'm off. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON MAKING A MURDERER? Also I'm only to the 5th episode so I might be behind on the decisions. Are you unfollowing me on twitter for my incessant Bachelor tweets?