I can safely say that I've been told no more times than I've been told yes. It takes a lot of hard work to stay positive about everything when everyone is telling you essentially that you're not good enough. That someone out there is better than you. Not even career wise -- in life. It's so important to realize that you are more than your job -- your life doesn't have to revolve around how you earn a living. If I couldn't be working in some form of baseball -- I could always be volunteering. Youth sport organizations never have enough volunteers. I just have to find a way to be positive about my current situation. I can't sit + think -- all this work I've done + what do I have to show for it? a part-time job? I have to think I've worked so hard that I'm too qualified for the available jobs + so very lucky to be able to stay in baseball.
So for everyone struggling -- I've found that counting my blessings makes the day so much better. As soon as you start focusing on the good instead of the bad -- you realize there's so much more good. Happy thirsty Thursday everyone!!