WE MADE IT! Happy happy first day of spring my friends. I know that pollen is coming, I saw it just waiting to drop off of all the trees on the way back from Savannah and I even noticed a slight yellow tint to the top of my car, but honestly, I am READY FOR IT. Bring it on. I've stocked up on allergy meds and I will defeat the pollen season (check back in with me when the entire state of Georgia turns yellow.)

Florals, for spring? Groundbreaking
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I am so excited for all of the spring things. 8 days until MLB season opens, 12 days until the Braves home opener. I already know exactly what I'm going to wear, planning for all different weather variations that April offers in Georgia. (PS where did March go? January & February lasted six years and March lasted exactly 12 straight rainy days.

It's also the time of year I sweaaaaaaaaaar I'll run the Peachtree. It's not happening this year. I want to get in shape, but I've accepted that I like the social aspect of the Peachtree more than any of the other parts. NOW on to more important Peachtree issues -- which tank top do I want to wear? In the past I've had some really good ones. Last year it was America the Brewtiful and the year before that it was Raise You Hand If You've Ever Been Personally Victimized by King George III. So this year has some pretty big shoes to fill. Send me ALL of your punny reccomendations. The Peachtree is on the 4th of July so I usually go with a USA theme, but one year I had one specially made that was Darth Vadar & said "who's your daddy?" (I love this tank top, I giggle every time I put it on. I'm really cool guys.)

I am also excited for patio cocktail season. I don't know about y'all, but cocktails outside just taste better. Don't even get me started about cocktails by the pool. Those are my absolute favorite. Really, cocktails in any body of water, I'm not picky as long as the sun is shining and I'm out there IN it. Obviously wearing all of the sunscreen. I'm really excited to try this Central Side Cocktail Elle shared a couple of weeks ago while sitting in the glider I literally put blood, sweat, and tears into putting together. Or walk the littlest monster to a nice outdoor patio and have someone else prepare the cocktails for me......

What spring things are you looking forward to? Do you have any spring cocktails I need to try? Or a favorite, punny tanktop for me to get for the Peachtree? Give it aaalllll to me. 

March Coffee Date

HAPPY FRIDAY GUYS. I'm glad we all survived The Great Instagram/Facebook blackout of 2019. I'm sitting here at work, doing literally anything but working, because I'm leaving for Savannah for St. Patrick's Day in an amount of time I have worked down into minutes. Lots of minutes, but still minutes. So obviously time has come to a complete stop. It's fiiiiiiiiiine. 

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If we were having coffee, I would probably SHOUT about my crazy neighbor. She's this tiny, hundred year old lady, who is completely off her rocker. I'm sure she's harmless, but she's been my neighbor for 3 years now and has been accusing me of "sweeping" my leaves into her yard for all three. What she does, presumably because she feels like she's getting me back, is RAKE HER LEAVES AND CARRY THE PILES INTO MY DRIVEWAY. Y'all. I'm not making this up. Forget that I'm the only person on the street who doesn't blow my leaves into the street or the "woods" on our street. This woman is the one ACTUALLY putting leaves in someone else's yard. If she wasn't tiny and old, I don't know if I could keep my cool. Instead, we're going to get at trail camera and mount it on the tree in the front yard to catch her in the act. I seriously doubt this will do anything to deter her, but I will have video proof that I am in the right. 

If we were having coffee, I would ask if as soon as I'm back from Savannah is too soon to start packing for my trip to Cancun. We're going for FIVE whole days at the end of July to celebrate a 30th birthday. I'm ready to pack my suitcase with these super fun packing cubes but I am NOT ready to start trying on swimsuits. I do have my eye on this swimsuit cover up though...  Have you been to Mexico? We're super SUPER pumped.

If we were having coffee, I would admit that Instagram has been getting me down lately. I feel like my pictures have to be *perfect* and that I have to come up with the wittiest caption, and then either everyone hates them, or no one sees them. I realize it's a silly thing to be worried about, but here we are. How do y'all fight the instagram blues?

If we were having coffee, I'd ask if you saw Lindsay's post earlier this week about doing something you enjoy. If not, I'd wait for you to read it because it's a challenge we should all get on board with.

That's it for me! What would you tell me if we were having coffee today? Are you doing anything exciting this weekend? Tell me tell me tell meeeee

Adventures of Albus!

I am so pumped for the weather to get better because that means oh-so-many more walks with everyone's favorite little monster. Last year, they opened a new pedestrian bridge that connected my house with the Marietta Square, it's a quick little almost a mile walk down to all of our favorite places. If you follow me on instagram you'll know that we basically live at the Glover Park Brewery
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My mom makes fun of me, because she says I have a diaper bag for when we go on our little walks. It's true though, I have this cute little kavu bag that I bought a few years ago for when we went on hiking adventures, but now it's my go to when we're walking for fun too. I can pack a couple of bags of treats, a spare roll of poop bags, my wallet, a house key, and whatever other things I need to take with me on the walk. I haven't bought a bag of treats since I signed Albus up for the BarkBox - since he gets two full sized bags of treats in the box, that's usually how many bags we need to get through a month. 

I also have a post saved in my drafts about whether or not I'm sure my dog needed a certain kind of collar. Albus used to have one of the prong collars, because it was the only thing that gave me full control over him AND allowed for an even correction. He's always been stronger than me and we were really concerned about his safety and my rotator cuff... I used to get VERY defensive about it to the people who felt like they knew better than me and my trainer. I can't imagine what it's like to be the mom of a human child if so many people feel like they can comment on what's up with my pup.

We had worked with the trainer and had developed a plan to move from that back to the harness, and that's what we're slowly transitioning to now! Albus has finally learned not to drag me and will almost stay within the leash's length of me. We've literally been working on this for almost his entire life. We use the Pet-Safe Easy Walk harness which works great. It's a little too big on him, but the smaller size was too small. I know he's almost three, but I figure he'll probably grow into it. 

Since the last Albus post, we have taught him to bark when you say "Albus, say GO DAWGS!" which is my favorite trick and I show EVERYONE we meet that trick. He also has a doggy fitbit. I'm serious. We switched to Banfield for vet services and they're doing some kind of case study with the people at Whistle Labs -- they gave it to us for free as long as we keep up with our annual appointments and Albus wears it on his collar every day. It's actually a really cool little tracker, I can tell that making sure he hits his "activity" goal makes him better behaved. This isn't even a sales pitch and that link to Whistle is just a link to their website, it's just a cool thing that we have to play with now. I don't know if I would have ever bough my dog a fitness tracker, but now I'm glad I have one. haha

So, if you're not following along, you can follow Albus on his very own instagram account (still waiting for the day he starts getting free food and bandannas...) He's a very social little guy who thinks he's the bouncer for any place we go. "You must pet the pup before entering this place" We will be going on so many more adventures this summer, so stay tuned! Do you have any funny puppy stories? Please tell me all of your funny puppy stories (heavy on the destructive or not letting you sleep through the night phases because I have puppy fever right now.)

What I Read in February

Check it out. I'm two-for-two on monthly book recaps! February was a shorter month with warmer weather, but that didn't stop me from being a little bookworm.

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FIRST UP! I absolutely finished China Rich Girlfriend at the beginning of the month. It was told a little differently than Crazy Rich Asians, but I loved it too. It was just as good as the first book, which I had expected but you never know with sequels. It brings in new characters and new adventures and drama. I highly recommend this series if you're late to the bandwagon like I was. 

That brings me to book number two for February: Rich People Problems -- this one took me a little longer to get into, but again I was all in. I felt defensive of Nick when Eddie was creating drama, and genuinely invested in the outcome of the story. Halfway through this, I would have told you it was my least favorite of the three, but there were so many twists and turns I didn't see coming, that when I got to the last third of the book, I literally couldn't put it down. One of those "staying up way past my bedtime to finish" reads. Again, I highly recommend this series.

I vastly over estimated how many books I would finish this month, I knew last month was setting me up for disappointment. Right now I'm working on Katherine because I got it for $1.99 thanks to my daily Kindle deal e-mails. I also snagged Murder on the Orient Express and What the Wind Knows. Hopefully I'll be able to get to more of those in March. I didn't realize what I was getting into with Katherine, I don't think, because the little status bar at the bottom of my Kindle will tell me that I have 9 hours remaining in the chapter and that is a whole lot.

What have you guys been reading? Anything I need to add to my list?