Okay. So, it's no secret that I like wine (can we pause for a moment + deal with the fact that up to Wednesday night, October 21st 2015, I have instagrammed THIRTY FIVE PICTURES OF WINE?) So I wanted to share about my favorite kind of wine because every time I drink it at a "fancy" place someone feels the need to tell me "did you know that means 'bad grape' in French" (it doesn't actually.)
I love that it makes me sound fancy, oh, I'll have the malbec please! It's a red wine that is super yummy + full bodied + you really need to try it. Here's the lowdown on Malbec from someone who is a certified wine geek(where do I go to become a certified wine geek?) That has lots of big words + things I don't understand like "tannins" + some French stuff.
Here's what I know: it's tasty, it's kind of spicy, the bartender thinks you're dumb if you ask "does it only come from Argentina like you can't call it champagne unless it's from that part of France or you can't make tequila outside of Mexico?" it's better if you have cheese to go with it, and it's best a little chilled. Moral of the story? Try a glass (or bottle) today + then send me one + also if you would like to sponsor me to become a certified wine geek or to go to Argentina + learn more? Serious question: how can I get paid to blog about wine?
I meant to be here early for #hashtaghumpday + weekly confessions + really anything this week. I honestly did. I don't even have a good REASON guys. I need a kick in the booty to get it together. So here's a late night Wednesday post brought to you by the Cubs Mets game.
I confess that I made breakfast for dinner tonight + didn't take a single picture of it. WE ATE ALL OF IT because it was so tasty. #picsoritdidnthappen #eatfast
We finally had to turn the heat on, because it was BAD guys. You know. Cause I'm always cold. I TRIED TO ORDER A NEW DOWN COMFORTER (because apparently 8 years was the lifetime of mine) AND THERE ARE WAY TOO MANY OPTIONS #Ineedanadult #threadcount #downalternative #SOMANYCHOICES
I might have confessed this before, but I turned off the e-mail notifications on my phone so I'm scared to login to gmail because I have like 78 unread messages. #makeitstop #whatevenareemails #typea #orwhatever
I haven't instagrammed in THREE DAYS. I promise I'm alive. I just. I don't do anything worth instagramming is the real issue. I wish I was doing interesting things. I'M GOING ON AN ADVENTURE THIS WEEKEND THOUGH. #instagramALLTHETHINGS!
Anyone who doesn't think that having to wash your hair isn't a good reason to not do something is obviously a man. I have to plan when I'm going to wash my hair + it usually revolves around not having to dry it or style it or anything #longhairproblems #itsaprocess #aLENGTHYprocess
Heyooooooo. Guess what DAY it IS! (will that commercial EVER get old?) Let's get down tooooo it. (sorry, I sang that, a la Hit Me With Your Best Shot. not sorry for all the side italics..) Obviously it's time for Hashtag Humpday AND I LEARNED LAST WEEK we can link up with Alanna for confessions! HASTAG TWO BIRDS.
This post almost didn't happen because I was doing my normal instagram "stalking" -- you know where I like every picture I see (and end up with a million inbox messages about "IT WORKS!" wraps!) SPEAKING OF INSTAGRAM Cassie + Amber are teaming up for another round of #morethanaframe + I am SUPER excited! you should totally join too!! #youknowyouwanna
I TOTALLY FORGOT to talk about the UGA Alabama game aside from how they break my heart all the time. SO we took a party bus from Atlanta to Ath. Allegedly there were drink specials at the bar that we met at. You know, at 11 am. OBVIOUSLY we tried to order mimosas, but they didn't. have. any. champagne. Obviously my second choice was tequila and orange juice (a drink to this day I can't convince a bartender to call the Kasey...) AND THE BARTENDER JUDGED US. #excuseme #YOUdidnthavechampagne #wewouldhavedonemimosas #rude
I don't have a Halloween costume. I don't even know who/what to be for Halloween. This is the first year my Halloween plans haven't been based around the Georgia Florida game (every time I go to Jax they lose. so obviously I'm not going to be the one to blame this year.) BUT NOW I NEED A HALLOWEEN COSTUME. #SOS #Ihavenoidea #creativityblock
So, that's all I got! Have you entered the giveaway from Monday yet?! (I definitely tried to spell that "intered" so it's definitely time for me to call it a night.) What do you have to confess? Do you have a Halloween costume suggestion? Are you pumped for #morethanaframe?!
So this post was originally scheduled for Friday + opened with a sassy sentence about how I had my act together, then it didn't get posted soooooooooooooooo ANYWAYS. I went to the eye doctor on Saturday (can someone explain to me how I pay for specific vision insurance but it doesn't cover the annual visit?) So I'm really glad I came across the fantastic folks at Firmoo!
So obviously I was on board when they reached out to give one of my lucky readers a FREE! pair of glasses! It's super easy to win too! Just head over to their special collection for bloggers here + comment below telling me which pair you would choose! HOW easy is that? I'll pick a winner at random on Sunday night! This pair is my favorite.. obviously after the pair I have already! I'm also seriously considering this pair of sunglasess.... So which pair would you choose?!
A little bit of fine print about the prize: one pair of Firmoo glasses with free shipping to US from this page. Glasses include the frames, standard 1.50 index single vision lenses. Upgraded lenses and add-ons will be charged for an extra fee.
I would say I'm trying to instagram every day in October, but I already missed Saturday + Monday. sooooooooooooo here's what happened according to my instagram feed in September!
I didn't even realize just how much I did in September until I put this together. There was a wedding! Then beerfest + DINNER IN A TRAIN CAR + a disappointing meal at Twin Peaks (not those pretzels though, oh man those pretzels were delish) and family pictures! September was a busy one! Also forever long. I'm really glad it's over, honestly. PLUS ALL THE FALL SHOWS ARE BACK. Even if it has been raising for the past ever. I don't know if I would recognize the sun if it came out tomorrow, honestly. Anywhooodles what did y'all get into in September?
But first, I have to say thanks for everyone's sweet words last week. Y'all are da best. NOW on to some confessions + some questions + HASHTAG HUMPDAY OBVIOUSLY. Let's do the damn thing!
So. I was watching HIMYM + when they end Barney + Robin's marriage it's because he doesn't have time to do his blog. FIRST OF ALL. what? I'll travel around + write blogs, I can handle it. SECOND OF ALL why didn't he just sell his inventions? He really did come up with some great stuff. #justsavedtheirmarriage #SERIOUSLY #stillnotoverit
I'm working to get back in the blogging swing of things + I am terrified to open bloglovin. I mean. It's been a long time. There are going to be a zillion unread posts. I am not prepared. #toomany #somuchtodo #needmorehours
HOW DOES THE ORDERING PIZZA FROM DOMINOS USING JUST A PIZZA EMOJI EVEN WORK. What kind of pizza? What credit card? Is it delivery or take out? Is it just one pizza? Are there sides? What about a coke? HOW #somanyquestions #nowIwantpizza #pizzaemoji
Great. Now I want pizza but instead I have to do the responsible adult thing and make dinner like a grown up. What's up with y'all? Have you done anything ridiculous lately? Did you use a pizza emoji to send pizza to my house?
So. I was sitting in the pouring rain, watching the University of Georgia football team do what they always seem to do in the big game -- break my heart. Every time. I was sitting there, watching the exodus, thinking all the mean time we could totally pull this out. I don't like to leave early. So I stayed, soaking wet, until the very last second. I sat there, and all I could think was I'm not even mad, I'm just disappointed. Then I thought, that's what my parents always said to me.
It was that moment that I realized I loved this damn football team unconditionally. Then I said that out loud and I felt absolutely ridiculous. Then slightly less ridiculous because you know what? It's important to know that kind of love is possible, even if it's for a big bunch of boys who can never get their act together on the big games -- that I can always be optimistic for the next week. There's always next year. There's always next week. There's always next time. There's always tomorrow.