Hashtag All The Things!

Heyooooooo. Guess what DAY it IS! (will that commercial EVER get old?) Let's get down tooooo it. (sorry, I sang that, a la Hit Me With Your Best Shot. not sorry for all the side italics..) Obviously it's time for Hashtag Humpday AND I LEARNED LAST WEEK we can link up with Alanna for confessions! HASTAG TWO BIRDS. 
#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo
This post almost didn't happen because I was doing my normal instagram "stalking" -- you know where I like every picture I see (and end up with a million inbox messages about "IT WORKS!" wraps!) SPEAKING OF INSTAGRAM Cassie + Amber are teaming up for another round of #morethanaframe + I am SUPER excited! you should totally join too!! #youknowyouwanna 
I TOTALLY FORGOT to talk about the UGA Alabama game aside from how they break my heart all the time. SO we took a party bus from Atlanta to Ath. Allegedly there were drink specials at the bar that we met at. You know, at 11 am. OBVIOUSLY we tried to order mimosas, but they didn't. have. any. champagne. Obviously my second choice was tequila and orange juice (a drink to this day I can't convince a bartender to call the Kasey...) AND THE BARTENDER JUDGED US. #excuseme #YOUdidnthavechampagne #wewouldhavedonemimosas #rude
I don't have a Halloween costume. I don't even know who/what to be for Halloween. This is the first year my Halloween plans haven't been based around the Georgia Florida game (every time I go to Jax they lose. so obviously I'm not going to be the one to blame this year.) BUT NOW I NEED A HALLOWEEN COSTUME. #SOS #Ihavenoidea #creativityblock
So, that's all I got! Have you entered the giveaway from Monday yet?! (I definitely tried to spell that "intered" so it's definitely time for me to call it a night.) What do you have to confess? Do you have a Halloween costume suggestion? Are you pumped for #morethanaframe?!

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