Monday is like a bad penny y'all. Keeps showing up. This past weekend, I easily lost ten years off of my life by not breathing for the last three minutes of the UGA game. Then the Falcons broke my heart, again. So let's recap on Weekly Wishes + goals. OH and I guess since October is Wednesday, I should probably set those goals too. I can't handle it. Let's start with September's goals!

september goals ::
increase followers -- Y'ALL. I particpiated in Rebekah's September giveaway and not only did I grow followers, but I made new friends! OH AND I HIT 100 BLOGLOVIN' FOLLOWERS. A HUNDRED! 

make more pinable images to strengthen photoshop skills -- I played around with photoshop a lot. even used it to edit all my fancy camera pictures. so, success

take more pictures --  I've already started putting together my September Through the Lens [I always want to spell it lense and that's not a word] post + I took oodles more pictures this month than last month. 

blog every weekday in september -- I ONLY HAVE ONE MORE DAY TO GO. y'all. ONE MORE DAY AND I ALREADY WROTE AND SCHEDULED IT! sorry for the screaming.  

organize my closet // nope. I actually made it worse. oops. we'll just roll it over to this week..

write + schedule my posts for #blogtober14 // oops. I didn't finish this, but I did start it. soo that's sort of a success. 

plan something cool for Thursday because I'm holding the Blog Baton! // oh good! I did accomplish one of them!! I had all sorts of fun holding the Blog Baton last week! 

this week's wishes :: 
work on my editorial calendar //  so I made one, but I haven't really done anything else with it. Now it's time to plan posts + be organized. boom. 

organize my closet... for obvious reasons. 

knock three things off of my fall bucket list // uh oh. that's probably a lot. but I have at least one, maybe two planned for this weekend. so I should be able to swing three! 

october goals :: 
blog every weekday in October // if I could do it in September, why can't I do it in October?

master at least one aspect of manual shooting with my camera // I'm still learning how to get the right lighting + aperture settings down. so I'll keep taking pictures and get better. 

get on top of my budget // in line with needing to organize my closet and be an adult, I should really get on top of my budget as well. so I'll be pinning and researching and building something I can really stick to. I promise I'll share if I come across anything super helpful! [other than ebates, because if you shop online and you don't use ebates, you're throwing money away.]

That's it for me today, what are your goals for October? 
The Nectar Collective


  1. You've been doing so good for your goals! And I realized that I've only missed two weekdays for blogging every weekday this month (and I wasn't even trying to blog that much!) I need to sit and think about some Octobor goals... I never really have taken the time to do so, but it's always good to start right?

  2. it's never too late to set goals!! I just like to do mine on Mondays. I had a few days I would have missed if it wasn't for wanting to hit that goal! haha

  3. You are impressive with the goal accomplishments!

  4. oh thanks! I feel like I have to be if I put them on here!

  5. I desperately need to work on my editorial calendar as well. Good luck!

  6. I feel like it's just forever a work in progress, but I always feel so much better after I plan out a week or two at least! thanks!!

  7. I want to know what yourI want to know what your editorial calendar looks like :) editorial calendar looks like :)

  8. Good luck this week! Editorial calendars are lifesavers if you can keep up. My biggest challenge is always deciding what day to schedule all my ideas for posts. ThenI realize I'm being silly, just shcedule them for whenever and rearrange as necessary.

  9. OH I should totally share what I did for it! You're so smart.

  10. that's what I had to get over too! I didn't want to be tied down to the idea of posting something three weeks from now if something better came up!

  11. Yes, definitely would love to see your editorial calendar, please do share! I'm trying to be a bit more organized, but we'll see how that turns out. It seems to be my hardest goal, yet! I'm horrible at manual shooting, I need to get someone to really sit down with me and guide me through it all.

  12. Woot woot! congrats on getting to 100 followers!

  13. Yay, yay, YAY to 100 followers! Also if you get on top of your budget, teach me your ways! I've been struggling so much with that lately, boo.

  14. Congrats on 100 followers!! That's awesome!! I love your goals. I plan on blogging EVERYDAY in October. I know that sounds crazy.

  15. I certainly will! I think organization is always going to have to be a work in progress for me, I'll never be someone who just naturally has that going on..

  16. oh why thank you! I think I almost had a heart attack when I got that email from bloglovin'!

  17. for me it's that I always forget I have something due and think "oh I have x amount of dollars to play with!" when I don't actually.. I will definitely share what I find though!!

  18. thank you!! I don't know if I could commit myself to weekend days. sometimes on Sunday I'm doing good to put pants on, let alone show up to blog!

  19. Wow, congrats on all the followers -- and on getting on your September goals done! Best of luck with your wishes this week!

  20. thanks!! I couldn't believe that number happened, and I'm still surprised to see it growing!
