March: Through The Lens

Hey HEY hey guys. If April showers bring May flowers, then what do Mayflowers bring????

PILGRIMS! oh man. you're welcome for that one. I'm hiiiiilarious. Yesterday I was really proud of "what's the difference between a fish + a piano?" 
ba dum tisssss
ANYWAYS. bad jokes aside, March was fun. I'm doing a happy dance for April + keeping this short because who has two thumbs + gets to go to the zoo today?! THIS GIRL!
  1. WE SAW DAMIEN RICE LAST NIGHT. high school Kasey is still flipping out about it. 
  2. I FINISHED 30 Days at The Barre
  3. Instagrams of flowers for daaaaaaayyys
  4. Obviously a date with my main man, Jose. (actually, don't tell him. they use a different tequila in mambo taxis.....)
  5. taking Kasey At The Bat literally playing on a super fun coed softball team (even if we're not so good at winning)
  6. Adulting really well by jumping in puddles.
  7. it's officially wedding season guys.
All That's Glittered
OBVIously the great phone debacle of 2015 caused me to be a little short on pictures this month. Don't worry, I instagrammed three times yesterday to make up for it. PLUS I'm doing Helene's Insta challenge now! Are you?

OH. you can tune a piano but you can't tuna fish!!! you're welcome again. 

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