London Calling

GUYS THIS IS MY FAVORITE. So don't tell me if they're not the best pictures ever okay? Because that would break my little heart into forty gazillion pieces. Without further ado, London.
I've mentioned it probably a million times, but London was hands down my favorite city. I loved the people, I loved the history, I loved the food (I haven't found fish + chips that even comes close stateside, so if you know of any, please help a sister out.)
london eye + big ben
We had a hilarious tour guide for the city bus tour. I mean, we didn't take a fun red double decker bus for it, but how touristy can we be? ANYWAYS. He was adorable and kept saying we were fun because we weren't "dusty old coffin dodgers" OH AND. he thought it was hilarious how Americans say things like "shut the front door!" and thought we just used "front door" instead of that four lettered F word. so then he would say "WHAT THE FRONT DOOR!?" It was great. 
When we stopped for our touristy pictures of the Tower Bridge, he goes "now we're going to see the landmark from our greatest gift to cinematic history -- Spice World!" 
spice up your life!
Apparently one time a bus really did jump the gap because the guard who was supposed to stop him from driving over it fell asleep + the bridge opened + that all sounds really terrifying if you ask me.

In case you're wondering, I am still trying to figure out a way to get back to London. Like move there for a couple of years. I think that maybe if I lived there for a few years I could see all of the things I wanted to see. There are two things I took absolutely zero pictures of. One, is the pub crawl we paid WAY TOO MUCH for, but had a killer time until it took us two hours to get back on the bus (guess who had to pee the entire way because, well, it was me, because I always have to pee). TWO is the killer Jack the Ripper tour we went on. Our tour guide was fantastic. I was a little convinced that he might be Jack the Ripper. 
Ugh. This one made me sad guys. I'm really ready to go back. Have you been to London? What was your favorite part? Can you take me back?

**edit** I cannot believe I forgot to include my picture of Wembly Stadium at sunrise. I took this from the way too small for four people hotel room window. because LOOK AT THIS VIEW. 

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