- Monetize the blog. heyoooo wanna sponsor Kasey at the Bat? That option is totally coming soon, so get in line ladies! haha
- Leave the country again. let's put another stamp in that fancy new passport I got!
- Pay off my credit cards. my credit card debt isn't too bad [it's peanuts compared to my student loans.] but I'd really love to not have to make payments on them anymore.
- Declutter. this isn't like "omg I need to clean out my closet" this is like, "why are there still boxes of stuff at my parents house from when I moved back from California? what's even in there?" I need to get rid of the stuff, obviously I don't need it.
- One race per month. or at least 12 total. So far I have the Atlanta Mission 5K in February, Peachtree in July, and Ugly Sweater in December. I guess I need to find something for January! ooops!
- Read 100 books. I think that's like 8 a month, right? Totally doable. Except, does the complete works of Sherlock Holmes count as one or more than one?
- Try a new restaurant every month.
- Visit at least 5 of the breweries within driving distance. Who wants to join me on this one? There are so many fun new ones. I think my first one will be Schoolhouse because Jennifer always posts the coolest pictures from there...
- Take at least one picture per day. Okay, so I don't know if I'm ready to commit to like a #kaseydoes2015 type thing + post one per day on Instagram, but I want to have a blog post at the end of the year with 365 pictures. A collage for each month. That sounds really cool.
- Send thank you notes. Or just little note cards. I want to express my gratitude more, also I love thank you notes. So two birds, right?
- Improve my handwriting, learn calligraphy.
- Cook Sunday night dinners every week. Or at least one, nice, fun, sit down dinner a week. Not in front of the TV. At the dinner table.
- Accomplish a DIY project each month. OH GUYS I HAVEN'T SHOWED YOU HOW AWESOME MY BAR LOOKS! I'm so proud of it.
- Make it to the beach more than once. I have a wedding to be in in Wilmington, so that's a trip to the beach, but I also want to make sure to get at least two more in there!
- Find + commit to a workout plan. Right now, it might just be barre class. We'll see what my Classpass adventure turns up though..
There you have it! The fifteen things I want to accomplish this year. Not flimsy New Year's resolutions, but attainable goals for the year! What are you going to accomplish in 2015?
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