My Favorite Post of the Week

WEDNESDAY,  we meet again! You're looking dapper as ever. Without further ado, we proudly present, my confessions.
Vodka and Soda

I get wildly impatient when I have nothing to do and no one is updating anything on social media. Like, excuse me? why aren't you instagrammnig pictures for me to look at right this instant? someone please entertain me.
I had a meltdown when I realized I was a week behind on the new *NSYNC album. I don't care that it's not any new songs, just remixes, my inner 12 year old flipped her shit. How could I be so far behind the times? Apparently I should start watching E! News more.
Whenever I make all of the lights on my commute home, I assume it's God's way of saying "hey girl, you had a really tough day + handled it like a champ! here's a little something to reward that attitude"
I am the queen of taking a screenshot of your text message + sending it to four different friends. My biggest fear is that one day I'll send that screenshot complete with whatever snarky remark I added to the person who's text message I'm screenshotting. So guys, don't be a douche or all of my friends are gonna know it happened...
I'm going to the Atlanta Bloggers meetup tonight and I'm like first day of school scared/excited about it. I even took forever last night laying out my outfit and everything. I'm excited though because I was just lamenting over how I'm not moving back to Athens for another school year. I graduated four years ago this December, does that feeling ever go away?
Also. This BuzzFeed article on being early everywhere is also my life, well second after that one they did on how to consume more tequila.  Anyways. Those are all of my confessions this week -- head on over to Kathy's and check out some other great ones! Happy hump day!


  1. uhh had no idea about this new nsync album.... have to check it out right NOW!

  2. New NSYNC album? That would fit right in in my car.

  3. Oh my gosh - that same Buzzfeed article is my life to a tee too! I even had a friend post it to my FB wall because she said #7 was me every time we had a girls night. I also am the same way when it comes to being impatient with social media - come on people post something interesting already!

  4. it's rare i get all greens but when i do, I LOVE IT. and i need that new nsync album!

    thanks for linking up!
    Vodka and Soda

  5. A new N*Sync album?! I definitely need it. Now.

  6. I hope the meet up went well! I have a school reunion coming up and I'm super excited and nervous! lol

  7. I was the same way when I found out about the new *NSYNC album. My tween self was doing back flips, cartwheels, and cheering loud! Of course, that was all in my head, because my realy chubby tween self couldn't do cartwheels or back flips for love nor money. Still can't, but that doesn't make me less excited for this!!
