I haven't come up with my "adventures" hashtag yet, BUT I HAVE COME UP WITH ONE FOR WINE THINGS (since I can't really use #lemmewineaboutit because of that Buzzfeed Series...) so instead we're gonna use #kaseyatthebar (see what I did there?) so that it's not only cheap wine reviews but also dive bars, cocktails, and more! #partypartyparty
I confess that I did start this post in lieu of watching the SOTU, but then ended up watching The Bachelor instead, so that is the reason it's so late. #embarrassedemojihere but CAN WE TALK ABOUT LACE FOR A SECOND. Does she stress anyone else out? Like when she starts talking I literally can't even. It makes me SO uncomfortable. I also think that the producers are prepping us for an Oliva/Lace cage fight "date" later this season... #TheBachelor #somuchdrama #shemightbeworsethanTierra #REMEMBERTHEEYEBROW
I stopped to pick up lottery tickets on the way home, duh, and when I did the cashier said "bye honey see you on tv after you win!" so I'm pretty sure that's a sign that I'm going to win, so see you guys on tha flip side. Obviously I would blog so much more if I won... #becauseIdbeallvacay #allthetime #THINKOFALLTHEBOOKS
THAT is all I have todaaaaay, BUT STAY TUNED, first edition of Kasey at the Bar comes fresh first thing in the mornin! Spoiler alert, it's a wine review... Also I'm still taking suggestions for my adventure hashtags. Is #AdventuresOnDeck16 too much? I feel like it's too much. #SOS
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