Monday Morning Blogger Love

FIRST OF ALL. My future husband says he wants to get married, so I've got to get on a plane + jet over to London stat. Second of all. Moving is the pits. We're moving across town, but somehow four miles down the road is a thirty minute drive (hashtag only in ATL). It's a super flexible move because the people moving out are totally fine with us bringing stuff in little by little. I wish I made all the money to just pay people to move us (HEY ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITY! I'm totally willing to review your moving services in exchange for free moving services........
I realize that Friday is typically the day for all the blogger love, thanks to the ever adorable Meagan and her link up, but I figured I could do some Monday morning blogger love. SO THERE.

First of all, I'm really loving Melissa's TMNT DIY. (OMG!) I don't care that I'm 26, I want to be a hero on a half shell. 

I LOVED all of the margarita posts last week. I mean, obviously I love mine (that was shameless...) I really loved Michelle's skinnnaaaay one too -- because don't we all want to have less calories? 

If you're looking for some ideas on how to best spend your springtime, check out this bucket list Sarah put together

Kati talks about some really fantastic words, Jen made some delicious Asian inspired food that will make you hungry, and last, but obviously not least, Emelia has this adorable DIY wine glass

Short and sweet, like all Mondays should be! What are you loving this week? 

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