One day, I'm going to pop up + not start a post with
hey, remember me? The girl who's kinda funny, makes a mean cocktail, and apparently pops up once a week now to tell you a ridiculous story? I swear. That day is NOT TODAY! Today is a day for ridiculous things that happen accompanied with ridiculous made up hashtags because I love to hashtag the Schmidt out of things!

Hello, my name is Kasey and I'm an
instagram stalker. Some days, I'm all
over the insta. Other days I'm a space cadet + don't check it at all. Here's the thing. If I see your picture, I'm going to like it (
hey, ItWorks! distributors, stop tricking me. I don't want to buy a wrap to make me skinnier. ) If you're interacting with me all the time + I realize I've been a space cadet, I'm going to go to your profile + make sure I catch up on my likes. I'm not sorry. We may not hang out all the time in real life, but I care about you + friends like each other's instagram pictures. #sorrynotsorry #thatisaparagraph #HEARTSFORDAYS
I got these awesome earrings in my most recent
RocksBox (ps, if you're not already signed up you can totes use my code "kathleenbff118" for a free first month!) that I want to keep forever. But I don't want to pay the $35 for because I'm irresponsible with earrings. but I've kept them for long enough to where technically I've spent $40. #BadAtMath #INEEDthem #thatsalotforearrings
I've found that bottled wine makes me a more responsible person. You know, because you have to think about what pinterest project you're gonna attempt to make sure nothing goes to waste. #SOMANYCORKPROJECTS #icantotallycutglasswithfire #candleholders?
I had a source for this the first time I wrote this |
I haven't had a pumpkin spice latte yet and IT'S ALREADY SEPTEMBER 9TH! Please don't kick me out of the blogger club. There's not a starbucks with a drive thru on my way to work. It's an issue. #PSL #AllTheFallThings #GIMMEGIMMEGIMMEGIMME
Jen + go to a game at Camden Yards! So this month's 7th Inning Stretch linkup is gonna be a good one! #soprepared #spoileralert #whoops
That's all I have for now! By now I mean between last Tuesday + this Tuesday because last week the internet was dumb and wouldn't let me do things. What's up with everyone else?! How's life?! Tell me about you! I've missed you alllllllll so very much!
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