Let's talk about my rewards first -- I'm basing them off of achieving the 150 miles by summer. The goal is to get there by June 21st (aka the first official day of summer!) in order to accomplish that I'm looking for an average of 2.6 miles per day. I will absolutely not be running all of these miles -- there are other ways of achieving those "miles" -- but here is my rewards breakdown ::
- reach at least 36.4 miles by May 12 :: one of those fun tervis water bottles. obviously to hydrate. I'm thinkin' this one:
- reach at least 72.8 miles by May 26 :: new workout clothes. specifically this tank top -- gotta have it. maybe some more fun ones because I love those tank tops.
- reach 150 miles by June 21st :: first of all -- I will feel like a million bucks -- because I will have accomplished something that's not necessarily simple. It's a tough challenge for anyone! second of all -- I think this will earn me a manicure + super cute summer outfit that I'll look smokin' in because of all the miles. If I can find all the parts, it will be this outfit.
Good luck meeting your goals! I LOVE that legally blonde tee! What a great reward!