Hello, my name is Kasey + I'm a bad blogger. Maybe that should be confession numba one #exceptyaalreadyknewthat #sotheresnosurprisethere
On Monday AND Tuesday it was middle of the night dark when we left the office MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT DARK I TELL YOU. I only cried a couple times Monday, and once Tuesday. I DO NOT LIKE IT AT ALL. #damnitbenfranklin #SODUMB #whatevenisthesun
I'm 0-4 at the Georgia Florida game, so I specifically didn't go this year (it didn't help so it's not my fault!) instead we went to Helen for Oktoberfest! There was a lot of polka dancing and shouting "DAS BOOT!" even though we never found one of those glasses. #DASBOOT #beerfest #bierheeeereee
I always want these posts to be longer but I ALWAYS HAVE SO MANY ISSUES WITH MY GIF SEARCHES, so I'm going to leave you with this one, I don't get the Highlight Bling thing. I don't understand why it's funny or why the internet lost their marbles over it or WHAT EVEN IS HAPPENING. so. #oldladystatus #IDKmyBFFjill? #isthatrelevant? #HALP
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