GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS. First of all. I opened this template then spent like 30 minutes browsing Look Human, I need like all of it. #gimme ANYWHOODLES obviously I'm back for #HashtagHumpday aaaaaand confessions and I solemnly swear I wont say [again] that I'm going to get my act together STAT. 

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with LoloAlanna & Company
I CANNOT WAIT FOR STAR WARS. hello. is it December yet? I mean I feel like the year has just flown by anyways, can't it be time for Star Wars now? #lookingforloveinAlderanplaces #theforceisstrongwiththisone #thesearenotthedroidsyourelookingfor
who are you calling scruffy-looking?
I was in bed before midnight BOTH nights this weekend. like the gramma that I am. I feel ZERO PARTS sorry about it. I'm all about a good time but man, if we don't have plans by 10pm -- I am down. for. the. count. #mynetflixandmysnacks #namastayinbed
me IRL
I got so much sass for drafting Todd Gurley on my fantasy team. "oh you only drafted him because you went to Georgia" "what a waste of a draft pick!" I even got sass FROM YAHOO. but you know what? he's been carrying my team since week like, three. so #sacksinthecity #dawgsontop #imagurleygirl
I'm a gurley girl
I WANT TO START DECORATING FOR CHRISTMAS but then I realized, I don't own anything decoration wise aside from a lifetime collection of Barbie Christmas tree ornaments... #lookslikeitscrafttime #COOKIES #SANTA
what did I sing to you on your birthday last year?
I have SERIOUS serious hair envy -- don't judge me -- for Merida on Once Upon a Time. I'm thinking maybe a perm? I want curls and I really want the red. (side note, can we talk about all the badass women on the show this season? #girlpower) #princesshair #ALLtheOUATHAIR #gimme 
Stay tuned, maybe I'll get my act together + be back again this week! If not, tell me about all of your adventures and lives and confessions and anything else you wanna talk about pleeeease!! 

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