Thirty, Flirty, and Thriving

That's a super very terribly dumb title, but I feel like I have to use it. I started to write this post on Tuesday, my actual 30th birthday, but like everything else that day, it didn't go my way. That sounds like a terribly bratty thing to say, I enjoyed the day very much (until a late night emotional breakdown, but I've been assured that everyone goes through that.) I became very overwhelmed at the prospect of turning 30. I really don't remember feeling this way about any other birthday, I couldn't tell you why 30 feels so daunting. 

So a little more than a year-long, unintentional hiatus, I've decided to come back to blogging. I've been constantly encouraged to come back by Elle, and more recently inspired by Becca. I don't imagine this will be a space for a ton of sponsored content, but I'm hoping for it to be a creative outlet. If said creative outlet can drive some extra income, who among us doesn't need help in that department? I'm excited to get back into what I used to love about blogging, before it became all tailored instagram posts and selling lightroom presets.

I've been reading a ton lately, I'm assuming it's a reaction to the cold temperatures and my natural instinct to hibernate. I'm working on a Goodreads goal of 30 books this year, which may be a bit low considering I've already finished four here in January. I am always looking for book recommendations and I'll be talking about the books I've read from time to time (read: I haven't decided if I want to commit myself to an editorial calendar or just go with the flow, so to speak).

I've also been in a bit of a musical rut lately, does anyone have any good Spotify playlists to share? I just keep listening to the same 30 or so songs, which combined with a 30 minute commute each way has gotten quite stale.

So, in summary, I'm back, I'm having the stereotypical "30" anxiety issues, and I need all of your book and music suggestions!

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