What I Read In June

Hello, I am still trying to dry out from this weekend. We played very hard at the lake and it was the best time and I made it all the way until Sunday afternoon before I got sunburnt, so that's gotta count for something. Today I'm rounding up what I read in June for Show Us Your Books! I had a much slower month than last month but I still had some good ones! Whenever I have holds at the library, they all seem to come free at the same exact time, does that happen to y'all too? My library is now closed for renovations so I have no idea where my holds will be when they're free...... 

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Little Fires Everywhere: I really enjoyed this but I also really hated Mrs. Richardson. It took me a while to decide that, but man she was the worst. Only worried about her reputation, not paying attention to what her kids were up to, and Isabelle man, she got the brunt of all of that. This one lived up to the hype, and I definitely recommend reading it. I actually had picked it up for a book club that I ended up missing for pizza...

Born a Crime: I had seen this one a few times and then decided to pick it up after so many people talked about it last month on this linkup, I really enjoyed it! I feel a little iffy on memoirs sometimes, because I really like stories about pretend people, and the sad things are more sad when you know it's a real person? I really liked how his sense of humor came through in his writing and the way he didn't gloss over the ugly bits. I recommend this one too!

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo: So, when Born A Crime came off of holds at the library book, this one did too. Of course. It took me a little while to get through the first one, then I got an e-mail from the library saying this one was due back in two days. I tried to renew it, but other people were waiting on it, so I had to read it super fast. I literally sat down and read almost the entire thing in one night. It was so good, I laughed, I cried, I felt all the things. This one has been recommended to me several times lately, but most recently by Emelia. I absolutely and wholeheartedly recommend this one!

That's it! That's all I read in June. It wasn't one of my bigger reading months and I don't really know why, I carried my books with me everywhere I went. We'll see how July turns out, right now I'm reading At The Water's Edge because I just can't resist a book set in the Scottish Highlands. What are you reading?

Linking up with Steph & Jana for Show us Your Books!

Life According to Steph

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