Is it Monday yet?

All of a sudden everyone wants to come to Rawhide games. It's great, we love when people come to games! However, the season ending on Sunday has caused people to realize they need to redeem all of their special coupons and vouchers. For example, I have FIVE ceremonial first pitches on Sunday (forget about the 107 on Saturday between double header for the world record.)

I'm just grasping for the aspects of the job that make it totallytworth it. The feeling after helping feed those less fortunate at the Visalia Rescue Mission, the little adorable kids who are stoked about meeting a player or their very first ever ball game.

I'm trying to live by this quote Kacey & I saw on the Kirby Puckett bobblehead box:
"He never had a bad day. I don't care how bad things were going on or off the field, Kirby found a way to make you laugh... He was a breath of fresh air in this game." — Frank Thomas

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