Me, Myself, & I

So I stumbled upon this Me, Myself, & I linkup business, and I thought it would be a fun new thing to try. Plus, it led me to tons of fun new blogs to follow! I first saw the post at Comma with a K, but it's hosted by some lovely ladies!

1. What are your top 5 favorite movies to watch during the Holidays?
- Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
- Love Actually
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the older, cartoon one..)
- and obviously, it's not Christmas until you watch Christmas Vacation at least four times..

2. In the month of giving thanks, what are you most thankful for?
-I've already done the whole "30 things I'm thankful for" post, but I have to stick to my family. Without them, I wouldn't be the person I am today, and I wouldn't have the safety to fall back on and follow my dreams. 

3. If there was a quote or verse to describe your life, what would it be?

So, I went through all of my pinspirational words and quotes and even though I love love my inspirational ones about choosing to be happy and turning my can'ts into cans, this is my mantra. Some days, no matter how hard you try or how positive you are, you just need a good, strong margarita. mmmm
4. Who in your family are you most like?
I am just just like my grandfather. Stubborn, opinionated, loud, and a really big fan of macaroni & cheese with ketchup. Don't hate.
5. What is your favorite drink order at Starbucks?
During the fall? Pumpkin spice, obviously. During any other time - usually something berry and fresh. I'm slowly but surely becoming addicted to coffee - so I'm trying to offset it with tea instead. Don't wanna stunt my growth, y'all!


  1. haha I LOVE that quote so much + you have great movie picks. Thanks for linking up with us!

    1. thanks for putting together the whole link up party!
