Brunch So Hard Mother Truckers Wanna Fine Me

Woah woah woah back-to-back blog posts. Who am I even? Confession, I cannot believe I missed last Wednesday for one. #itwasalonelyone #somanyconfessions 
#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo
I am the most excited ever to be going to the Atlanta Steeplechase next weekend. Holla fo a dolla. Or for the VIP party we're going to + the private (air conditioned) bathrooms. That was really the selling point, tbh. #yeahright #butalsotheopenbar #youknowme BUT I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO WEAR. I feel like I need a hat first, dress second, I already have my cowboy boots. What what WHAT should I wear? 
Saturday I ran a 5k for mimosas. and dogwoods. I have been searching for all of the booze related races since then. BUT. I walked 1.5 miles to get to the park/starting line, ran the 5k (40 minutes, PR #getatmetho) then walked the 1.5 miles back home. My biggest mistake was taking a nap. I was then down for the count for the rest of the day. Then my entire body hurt until like. last night... #notfastnotlast #notquitefiteither #didntevenwintheweekendwarriorchallenge #andidid6milesbefore10am
jump man jump man jump man WOO
I confess, I instagrammed what looked like a delicious brunch platter (yes, the budweiser was included..) but man was it dissappointing. What wasn't pictured? The donuts + kickass burger we had before the platter got there. Obviously brunch was a success, but we were super bummed by the chef's choices. Who associates various lettuce wraps with brunch? #gimmemorefriedstuff #allgravyeverything #ANDDONUTS #andmimosasduh
brunch so hard mother truckers wanna fine me
The other day at a fancy dinner place, while waiting on my fancy glass of wine, I drank all of my water. When the waiter came to refill my glass, I apologized. I couldn't even tell you what I apologized for THEN when he said "oh don't worry, you're supposed to drink it!" I APOLOGIZED AGAIN. It's a disease y'all. #sorryallthetime #isittoolatenowtosaysooorrrryyyy 
air bunnies
I DIE. I die at Joey's air bunnies. He's too funny. ANYWAYS. I'm sure more ridiculous things will happen this week, you should follow along on the twitter. I tweet a lot of ridiculous stuff (and alllll the gifs to be honest.) What ridiculous things happened to y'all this week? HEY PS DON'T FORGET THE CAN OF CORN LINKUP TOMORROW. We can pretend the Braves aren't on pace to go 0-162 this year.....................

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